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  译者按:4月16日,法国工会活动家、前总统候选人阿纳塞·卡齐布(Anasse Kazib)因发表了声援巴勒斯坦的言论最近受到法国反恐警察的审讯。包括雅克·朗西埃、南茜·弗雷泽在内的800多名知识分子和活动家呼吁团结起来,反对将声援巴勒斯坦定为刑事犯罪。  




  4月16日,在法国——这场扼杀自由的攻势的先锋——反恐警察传唤了铁路工人、工会活动家和前永久革命党(Révolution Permanante)总统候选人阿纳塞·卡齐布(Anasse Kazib)。他的罪行是什么?他发了四条支持加沙的推文,谴责正在进行的大屠杀。卡齐布的政治审讯记录长达7页,内容涉及他的生活、观点、同志以及他所活跃的组织。永久革命组织的另一名激进分子也收到了同样的传唤。

  这一恐吓企图是在“法国犹太青年”(JFJ)提出申诉之后发生的。该组织模仿唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)和埃里克·泽穆尔(Eric Zemmour)等极右翼人士的立场,将巴勒斯坦的国旗比作“纳粹旗帜”,并参与了大量审查程序。例如,该组织最近是法国北方地区CGT工会领导人Jean-Paul Delescaut案件的民事诉讼方,后者在类似卡齐布的案件中被判一年监禁,缓期执行。





  Adèle Haenel, comedian and actor

  Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, Nobel Peace

Prize laureate

  Alex Callinicos, Professor Emeritus of European Studies, King’s College London

  Annie Ernaux, writer, Nobel Prize for Literature

  Bhaskar Sunkara, founding editor of Jacobin

  Camila Rojas, member of the Chilean Chamber of Deputies

  Clare Daly, MEP, The Left in the European Parliament – GUE/NGL

  Enzo Traverso, historian

  Frédéric Lordon, philosopher

  Gilbert Achcar, professor of Development Studies and International Relations, SOAS

  Ilan Pappé, Israeli historian, Director of the European Centre for Palestinian Studies, University of Exeter

  John Bellamy Foster, editor of Monthly Review

  Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, Princeton University

  Luciana Genro, Brazilian state deputy, PSOL

  Massimo Modonesi, sociologist and historian, UNAM, Mexico

  Matan Kaminer, anthropologist, lecturer at Queen Mary University of London

  Michael Goldfield, Wayne State University

  Michael Löwy, sociologist

  Mick Wallace, MEP, The Left in the European Parliament – GUE/NGL

  Miguel Urban, MEP

  Myriam Bregman, lawyer and Argentinian national deputy PTS / FIT-U,

  Nancy Fraser, philosopher

  Nicolás del Caño, Argentinian national deputy, PTS / FIT-U

  Olivier Besancenot, NPA spokesman

  Raquel Varela, historian, Universidade Nova de Lisboa

  Richard Boyd Barrett, Irish TD, People Before Profit

  Robert Brenner, UCLA

  Silvia Federicci, Hofstra University

  Stathis Kouvélakis, philosopher

  Suzi Weissman, Saint Mary’s College of California

  Tithi Bhattacharya, Purdue University

  Warren Montag, professor of English at Occidental College

  Sebastian Budgen, editorial director, Verso books

  Charlie Post, City University of New York

  Cédric Durand, economist

  Jacques Rancière, philospher

  Daniel Gaido, professor, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina

  Daniel Tanuro, author and ecosocialist

  David McNally, professor of History, University of Houston

  Eric Toussaint, historian and social scientist

  Isabelle Garo, philosopher

  Jodi Dean, professor, Hobart and William Smith Colleges

  Joseph Daher, visiting professor, Lausanne University, Switzerland

  Marcello Musto, professor, York University

  Phil Gasper, professor emeritus, Notre Dame de Namur University

  Raju Das, professor, York University

  Ricardo Antunes, professor, Université de Campinas (Unicamp), Brazil

  Robin D.G. Kelley, historian, UCLA

  Samuel Farber, Professional Staff Congress (AFT)

  Lars Lih, author and scholar

  Aaron Jaffe, the Julliard School

  Alejandro Vilca, Argentinian national deputy, PTS / FIT-U

  Kevin B. Anderson, professor, University of California

  Romina del Plá, Argentinian national deputy, PO / FIT-U


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