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  Pakistan & De-dollarization: Navigating the Economic Landscape

  Salman Ahmad Lali,translation: Sun Lizhou


  键睿智库高级研究员 孙力舟 译

  The year-long conflict between Russia and Ukraine has resulted in significant shifts in the economic,

geopolitical, and cultural spheres. One notable consequence is the push towards multipolarity, a process that redistributes global economic power among multiple advanced economies, rather than concentrating it in the hands of a single hegemonic power - the United States. As a result, de-dollarization has emerged as a global trend, with countries from India to Argentina, Brazil to South Africa, and the Middle East to Southeast Asia striving to minimize their dependence on the US dollar. Pakistan, which relies heavily on the US dollar for international trade, debt repayment, and foreign investment, could benefit from this trend. However, de-dollarization also presents several challenges that must be carefully navigated.


  Pakistan's economic vulnerability stems from its exposure to fluctuations in the US economy and policies. Escalating debts in dollars, a current account deficit, and economic stagnation in the context of political instability have prompted concerns over the possible impacts of de-dollarization. This process involves diversifying reserve currencies and employing alternative currencies for international trade. De-dollarization has gained traction due to perceived abuses of power by the US, which has repeatedly leveraged the dollar against its adversaries. As the world's primary reserve currency, the dollar empowers the US to impose sanctions on countries, entities, and individuals.


  De-dollarization could foster a sense of national pride and unity among Pakistanis by asserting the country's economic independence and sovereignty, even as it may require increased reliance on other dominant currencies, such as the Chinese yuan. However, resistance to change may pose a significant challenge, as many Pakistani citizens are accustomed to investing in US dollars and might be reluctant to adopt alternative currencies. Overcoming this resistance would likely necessitate a comprehensive public education campaign to promote the use of local currencies as well as familiarise the population with the benefits of diversifying their currency portfolio.


  International trade presents another major obstacle to de-dollarization. With the US dollar as the primary currency for global trade, numerous countries demand payment in dollars. Consequently, reducing Pakistan's reliance on the US dollar could hinder its ability to participate in international commerce.


  The push for de-dollarization is driven, in part, by regional players who seek to challenge the US dollar's dominance and mitigate concerns over the global trading and financial system. The dollar's hegemony enables the US to impose sanctions on nations that do not align with its policies or engage in activities considered threatening to US interests. European countries have experienced economic stagnation due to US sanctions on potential trading partners like Iran and Russia, a problem that has also affected various Middle Eastern and South Asian nations. As a result, many have turned to de-dollarization as a means of shielding their economies from the negative impacts of US policy and leadership.


  Discontent with the Bretton Woods system, which designated the US dollar as the world's reserve currency in 1944, has further fueled the de-dollarization movement. Under this system, other countries pegged their currencies to the dollar, which was in turn tied to the price of gold. However, the system collapsed in 1971 when the US abandoned its commitment to exchange dollars for gold, leading to the present system of fiat currencies. Critics argue that the Bretton Woods system unfairly favoured the US, and many nations are now seeking alternatives that address the imbalances it created.


  De-dollarization offers both opportunities and challenges for Pakistan. While reducing dependence on the US dollar could bolster national sovereignty and promote psychological benefits, it may also face hurdles such as resistance to change and barriers to international trade. As the global trend toward de-dollarization gains momentum, it is crucial for Pakistan to evaluate its options and prepare for a future where the US dollar may no longer dominate the global economic landscape.



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