HKEX opens New York office

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square of Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEX) in south China's Hong Kong. [Photo/Xinhua]"/>

Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEX) on Tuesday announced the opening of its New York office, expanding the exchange group's international footprint and supporting its growing global client base.

The new office will promote HKEX's liquid primary and secondary cash markets, its exclusive connectivity with the Chinese mainland's markets and its diverse suite of derivatives, which together constitute Asia Pacific's most comprehensive financial market ecosystem, the HKEX said in a statement.

Hong Kong is Asia Pacific's leading international trading, investment and risk management center, and having a physical presence in New York, the financial capital of North America and one of the great international cities of the world, will support the HKEX's ongoing commitment to global connectivity.

HKEX Chief Executive Officer Nicolas Aguzin said the HKEX looks forward to deepening its relationships with investors, companies and risk managers across the region, connecting capital with opportunities and East with West.

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