Girls beat boys in school

Girls beat boys in school

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A Shanghai-based research has found that girls are overtaking boys in all grades, from primary school through university, China Youth Daily reported.

Data collected from almost 1,500 surveys show that in

Shanghai, for students from grades 3 to 9, girls' average performance in all subjects surpasses that of their male counterparts, with the discrepancy in the subject of English being the most significant one. This imbalance is also reflected in the disparity between male and female freshmen in universities. In 2010 alone, some 330,000 more women enrolled in universities nationwide.

Most educational experts have claimed the current educational system, including its methods and various rewarding systems, are girl-friendly. Compared with boys, girls are more self-disciplined and careful, and naturally score higher on tests that require good memorization skills. A better performance in the lower grades will help boost the girls' confidence and they will keep this level up throughout school.

Zhou Haiwang, a researcher with the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, said that boys losing at the starting line aren't isolated cases but "an overall and ongoing issue." He is more concerned about the possible negative effects on the entire male population and in turn, social development.

( July 6, 2012)

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