SP Pagebuilder - No template

 SP Pagebuilder - No template

Embed below code to your site


I have my current website ...


I need to be able to show a schools brochure on a page on my website ...

I am using SP Pagebuilder to show the iframe (made in YUMPU)

On the menu manager - I have selected a different template ... but all I want is to show the iframe & some other text I am adding in a row in SP Pagebuilder ...

This is where I am unto at the moment - https://theschoolprintcompany.co.uk/digital-ferrars

is there a way of selecting no template with SP Pagebuilder ?

I want to do this so that my clients link to my website ... which may help with SEO ...

10 Answers

Toufiq - Staff

More than a month ago #Permalink

If you wanna display this, then you can use raw addon of sp page builder.


Gavin Bates

More than a month ago #Permalink
Yes, I have done this ...

the question I am asking is different.

I am pleased with the SP Pagebuilder page ... BUT I want to show this page on its own ... without any template i I hope this makes sense ... so just the iframe shows ... (No menu / no footer / No website title)


You will see here I have tried to use oneclip

Is this possible ?



Toufiq - Staff

More than a month ago #Permalink

Thanks for your reply. Please check the screenshots for solving your Task.



Gavin Bates

More than a month ago #Permalink
Thanks Toufiq ...

This is great


One last thing ... I have other items on the SP Pagebuilder page (some text in a separate row and an image in a separate row) but they are not displaying.

Does the iframe stop the text from displaying ?


Toufiq - Staff

More than a month ago #Permalink

Thanks for your reply. Please check your code of iframe.


Gavin Bates

More than a month ago #Permalink

<iframe width="940px" height="830px" src="/https://www.yumpu.com/en/embed/view/1jxst6rOwovLuW9h" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="true" style="border: 5px solid #000000;" allowtransparency="true"></iframe>

Gavin Bates

More than a month ago #Permalink
I seem to now have found a way for the text to appear ...by placing the text as raw HTML instead of in the text add on.

Do you know if it is possible to show the page as full width ... I am not sure how to amend this ... will this be in the helix template settings for this template ?

It seems to be constrained to a set width ...



Toufiq - Staff

More than a month ago #Permalink
Hi, Please check the screenshot.



Gavin Bates

More than a month ago #Permalink
Thanks, but that is something I have already tried ...

Can you think of anything else ...

I can send you log in details if necessary ...

Toufiq - Staff

More than a month ago #Permalink
Hi, Please share a screenshot that you want to do now. Thanks

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