
埃隆 · 马斯克说,人口不足,出生率可能威胁人类文明

Elon Musk says   there aren't 'enough people,' birthrate could threaten human civilization

埃隆 · 马斯克说,人口不足,出生率可能威胁人类文明

USA TODAY 《今日美国》

商业大亨埃隆 · 马斯克更关心的是人口不足,而不是人口过剩。这位特斯拉的首席执行官周一表示,世界上“人口不足”,这可能威胁到人类文明。

"I think one of the biggest risks to civilization is the low birth rate and the rapidly declining birthrate," Musk said at the Wall Street Journal's annual CEO Council. The 50-year-old was answering a question about how the proposed Tesla Bot could solve some of the world's labor issues. Musk had previously called the bot a "generalized substitute for human labor over time." 

马斯克在《华尔街日报》年度 CEO 委员会上说: “我认为人类文明面临的最大风险之一是低出生率和快速下降的出生率。”。这位50岁的老人正在回答一个关于特斯拉机器人如何解决世界劳工问题的问题。马斯克之前称这种机器人是“随着时间推移,人类劳动力的广义替代品”

"And yet, so many people, including smart people, think that there are too many people in the world and think that the population is growing out of control. It's completely the opposite. Please look at the numbers – if people don't have more children, civilization is going to crumble, mark my words."


The Tesla Bot is Musk's "humanoid robot" that he plans to have built by using Tesla's self-driving car artificial intelligence. The bot could have the capability of deadlifting up to 150 pounds and traveling at around 5 m.p.h.


The global birthrate has been on a steady decline since 1960, according to World Bank. The U.S. birthrate fell by 4% in 2020 – a record low – according to the Centers for Disease Control. 

世界银行的数据显示,自1960年以来,全球出生率一直在稳步下降。美国疾病控制中心的数据显示,2020年美国的出生率下降了4% ,创历史新低。

Musk, a father of six, added in the same interview that while he believes population growth is ideal, how long people live is a different story. He said in regards to aging that people shouldn't "try to live for a super long time."


"I think it is important for us to die because most of the times, people don't change their mind, they just die," he said. "If they live forever, then we might become a very ossified society where new ideas cannot succeed."
