
12V 2A 适配器可以用于 12V 500mA 设备吗?



Yes, with caution. 2A is quite a bit more (as opposed to a -LOT- more, like, say, 20A would be) than 0.8A. You device might not even have bothered with a proper fuse, thinking 'oh well, the power supply will limit to 0.8 A'.

机器翻译:是的,但要谨慎。 2A 比 0.8A 大得多 (相对于a -LOT- more,比如 20A)。您的设备甚至可能不会为合适的保险丝而烦恼,您没有这样的想法“哦,那个电源将有 0.8 A的限制”。

his question will probably have been closed next time you blink. It is asked often and not deemed a proper question by those who prognosticate on such things. As Ignacio says, no problem.

If the voltage is correct the target determines how much current to draw. In a very very few cases the equipment may rely on the power supply sagging under load to work correctly BUT such equipment is rare and should be shunned.

One case where it may matter is cheap power supplies for cheap appliances using NiCd or NimH batteries. Drills of say 12V to 24V rating may be like this. Such systems rely on the transformer open circuit voltage not exceeding the battery fully charged voltage "by much". They usually use unregulated supplies. Such systems cook their batteries if left connected when charged at the best of times. They will do so more happily if a higher current capacity supply is used. This is a very nasty method of battery charging and best avoided if possible.

一种可能重要的情况是使用 NiCd 或 NimH 电池的廉价电器的廉价电源。说 12V 到 24V 额定值的钻头可能是这样的。这种系统依赖于变压器开路电压不超过电池完全充电电压“多”。他们通常使用不受管制的供应品。如果在最佳时间充电时保持连接,此类系统会烹饪电池。如果使用更高电流容量的电源,他们会更高兴地这样做。这是一种非常讨厌的电池充电方法,最好尽可能避免。