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Slinging mud at China does no good to global climate governance, COP28 delegates say

Slinging mud at China does no good to global climate governance, COP28 delegates say

Slinging mud at China does no good to global climate governance, delegates to the COP28 climate conference have said, referring to China as a champion

in developing renewable energy which has made remarkable progress in green transformation and made significant contributions to the world.

During COP28, or the 28th session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), some Western politicians fabricated the rhetoric indicating that "China's per capita carbon dioxide emissions rank second in the world."

Statistics have dismissed such baseless blame as ridiculous, said Xu Huaqing, director of China's National Centre for Climate Change Strategy and International Cooperation.

It is global consensus that developed countries have caused the major part of global warming. The Sixth Assessment Report of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change revealed that 58 percent of the global warming since the Industrial Revolution was caused by pre-1990 human activities.

Even today, per capita carbon dioxide emissions of developed countries remains much higher than those of developing countries.

"Even at present, in per capita terms, carbon emission of the United States is still many times higher than that of some Asian and African countries," Erik Solheim, former UN under-secretary-general and former executive director of the UN Environment Programme, has told Xinhua in a recent interview.

Given their carbon missions in history, the rich developed countries are emitters that have produced the major part of greenhouse gases, Solheim said, urging those countries to take up their climate responsibilities and offer more help to developing nations.

Blaming China, especially based on misinformation, is wrong and will do no good to global climate governance, said delegates to the climate conference on the theme of "Unite, Act, Deliver."

"Blaming is not helpful to advance our common agenda. We should really focus on seeing results happen," Daniele Violetti, senior director at the UNFCCC, told Xinhua.

He stressed that climate governance is a multilateral process and everybody has a role to play. "So I don't think listening to voices of blaming has any help to the process," Violetti said.

"China can't be blamed. Pointing fingers at each other is never going to work. Let's just work together," said Malawian Minister of Energy Ibrahim Matola.

The Malawian minister told Xinhua that all parties need to sit down and find solutions to climate problems in the way China has done.

As a responsible major developing country, China has always adhered to the strategic determination of climate action, and the country's economic and social development has embarked on the track of comprehensive green transformation. China's achievements in and contributions to climate governance were appreciated by global delegates.

With excellent progress in developing solar and wind power, electric vehicles and power batteries, "China is a champion of the world in clean energy," Executive Director of the International Energy Agency (IEA) Fatih Birol has said.

The IEA chief particularly praised China's contribution to bringing down prices of clean energy equipment, saying it is of service to other countries.

Dominic Waughray, executive vice president of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development, echoed Birol on China's green development.

"China's achievement has been phenomenal. A lot of people outside of China perhaps don't realize the scale of the shift that is taking place," Waughray told Xinhua.

China is driving the renewable energy and the electric vehicle revolution that the world needs, he said. "That's a very, very encouraging sign given the scale of innovation investment that is taking place in China and I think it offers a lot of economic optimism."

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