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Maltese ambassadors promote book on China

Maltese ambassadors promote book on China

A book on Chinese culture, history and contemporary development has received praise and recognition from Maltese ambassadors to China, the China Cultural Center in Malta, a co-launcher of the book, said

on Wednesday.

Jointly launched by the China Cultural Center in Malta and Heritage Malta in October, "China in Maltese Eyes" showcased 23 Maltese people's unique experiences in China.

After receiving the book, Maltese Ambassador to China John Busuttil commented in a written note: "What I love most about the book is that I know many of the contributors (of the book), but I was not aware of their love for this fascinating country."

"Not only does it bring different perspectives of China from Maltese personalities together, but it also captures their vision of China through different arts: photographers, writers, poets, visual artists, musicians and theater directors writing on their personal experience with this ancient civilization and diverse land," he added.

Busuttil also emphasized his commitment to fortifying bilateral relations between China and Malta, and to fostering stronger ties between China and the European Union.

"Occasionally one unwittingly stumbles across a piece of good fortune. And so it was with me when I discovered, more by accident than by design, this lavishly illustrated, intriguing, indeed encapsulating book 'China in Maltese Eyes,'" said John J. Aquilina, currently the first Maltese resident ambassador to Brazil.

Aquilina was Malta's ambassador to China between 2016 and 2022. During his tenure, he championed the theme of enhancing social, cultural, and educational connections between the people of Malta and China.

Remaining interested in maintaining positive relations between Malta and China, Aquilina said he enjoyed the book. "China is not just one country with one culture. It is a huge melting pot of diverse ethnicities, diverse cultures, spanning millennia, diverse landscapes, and multi-varied fauna and flora. And it all beautifully comes together in this book."



