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China to integrate AI with judicial work further

Chinese courts will continue to push forward the in-depth integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and judicial work, according to the country's Supreme People's Court (SPC).

People's courts will construct an improved

functional system for the application of AI in the judicial field by 2025, and then build an application and theoretical system for the utilization of AI with model rules and demonstration effects by 2030, according to an SPC document made public on Friday.

The SPC stressed the importance of the supportive role of AI in adjudication, and said that AI results will be for supplemental reference only, so as to ensure all judicial decisions are made by judges.

It also banned such applications from damaging public interests and social order, or violating public morals and ethics.

A risk management, emergency response, and responsibility investigation mechanism will be established to avoid and resolve possible moral and ethical risks from such applications, the document said.

In terms of the scope of application, the document specified several types of work, including AI-assisted case-handling and administrative work to improve efficiency.

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